Are you aware with the newly emergent fad in the photography named rooftopping photography? In this kind of a photography the photographer acts like a brave soul and climbs to the top of the skyscraper to catch some beautiful shots. The trend of the rooftopping photography has made its admirer in each and every part of the globe. For indulging in the charm of the rooftopping photography the photographer certainly requires a great camera, a love for heights and indeed the nerves made from steel. The basic idea of rooftopping is about taking shots while standing on the roof of a tall building and then looking down. The reason the photographers are in love with the idea of rooftopping is the fact that they get the liberty to scale the buildings which are considered as ‘Off limits’ for people in general. The rooftopping photography shots give the idea about the manner in which the city is laid out. When one glance through such examples of photography, an epic kind of feeling surely knocks the soul. The shots are just spectacular and also reflects the true love of the photographer towards his photography skills. The idea of rooftopping has added an edge to the way snaps of a tall skyscraper used to be taken. You can find some the enticing examples of the rooftopping photography below. Have a look.
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