Clicking beautiful pictures is the ultimate aim of most professional photographers; especially those who are passionate about portrait photography and pursue it as a profession. Understanding the subtle differences between general photography and clicking pictures for portraits is the first step towards ensuring success as a portrait photographer. The other important aspects for enhancing your skills in this field include the ability to keep an open mind for ideas and tips that can help you attain great name and fame as a portrait photographer. Given below are ten portrait photography tips to click awesome pictures that would leave the viewers astounded.
1. Make Sure Your Subject Is Interesting
This is not only the most basic but also the most important of all portrait photography tips. The art of clicking photograph for a portrait is all about bringing out and enhancing the beauty of a naturally interesting person or object. As such it important to choose a subject that can generate interest in the onlookers almost the instant they set their eyes on the photograph.
2. Choose The Right Background
The choice of the background plays a critical role in bringing out the liveliness and colors of subject of portrait photography, especially if the shoot is being conducted indoors. Using distractive background elements or bright colors or shapes or even other human in the background is something that will never be advised in good portrait photography tips.
3. Use Lighting to Your Advantage
This is again one of the most important portrait photography tips, especially for professionals used to shooting in dark studios. Proper lighting highlights the finer details of the subject in a significant manner making the final picture look exceptionally attractive and appealing. Also the effects of natural lighting are far more convincing in portrait photography than those created with the help of a light stand or reflector.
4. Click Pictures From A Wide Angle
This is one of the most helpful portrait photography tips for clicking truly memorable pictures. If you are clicking a subject placed amidst an impressive setting, using a camera with a wide angle lens attached to it will help you to get a open and dramatic impact in the final picture. Moreover, you can also create some wonderful distortions to add to the appeal of your portrait photography.
5. Click Pictures Of The Subject With Various Expressions
When the subject is a person, experimenting with expressions is definitely one of the best portrait photography tips. Catching the various expressions of a person through the lens of a camera adds life to your portraits in a natural manner. However, it is not necessary to shoot the subject only in a happy and joyful mood but also to click some shots with serious expression or sad moods.
6. Choose The Camera Angle According To The Application
Although the most prominent use of portrait photography is for viewing, there can be other applications such as for use on a wedding announcement, or for a recognition ceremony. In case the portrait picture is to be used for an informal occasion, experimenting with the angle of the camera would definitely be a part of good portrait photography tips. This is in fact a great way of presenting the subject from a totally different perspective.
7. Focus On The Eyes
Eyes can and do speak volumes even when they are captured in the frame of a photograph. So it is not really surprising that most portrait photography tips stress of the importance of focusing on the eyes of the subject. You can further enhance the appeal and look of the portrait photography by ensuring that the emotion expressed on the face of the subject is reflected in their eyes as it truly makes the picture come alive.
8. Avoid Using Complex Equipment
Simplicity is the greatest beauty and this holds especially true for clicking a portrait photograph. In fact, one of the common portrait photography tips offered by veteran professionals is to use the simplest gear for clicking the most amazing pictures. Complex equipment not only takes up greater time in setting up but can also create unexpected delays and hindrances.
9. Think Out Of The Box
Let your creativity and imagination guide you and you are sure to come up with some truly awe-inspiring shots. Adding a personal touch to the pictures you click is one the best portrait photography tips you can get. Break the rules once in awhile and you might end up with a masterpiece that would instantly take you to the height of success.
10. Click Your Subjects In A Natural Pose
No matter how hard you try, you can never imitate the grace and appeal of a natural pose in portrait photography. So, making sure that you click your subjects when they are naturally expressing their emotions is definitely one of the most important portrait photography tips.
The above portrait photography tips, if implemented wisely can help enhance the quality of your pictures significantly.