How To Get More Design Projects – 10 Essential Tips

With the recession in the background, attracting more design projects on a regular basis has become a serious challenge. Web designing is a highly competitive business, hence it requires some really smart marketing strategies if you want to see it grow.



Here are few simple and effective tips that will bring in great results:

1. Get Noticed

For a professional, quality is as important as quantity. You need to put in extra efforts to get work on reputed professional sites which are known as avant garde platforms. Building your reputation on such sites would promote your brand and get you recognized as an expert.

2. Network For Success

As a professional you would already be part of a network of peers and professionals from businesses that complement yours. Start a blog with special emphasis on design projects and regularly post interesting articles on various related aspects and connect it with your network. Project yourself as an expert in the field and gradually your fame will spread and work will come rolling in.

3. Showcase Your Work

As an expert designer you need to project an awesome presence on the web. Prospective clients should be able to “find” you on the internet and see your work. Host a masterpiece website that reflects your best work. Furthermore, have a few of your most acclaimed design projects displayed with testimonials from your clients so prospective clients could get a feel of what you can do.

4. Social Media

Social media is another way of networking, which in many ways can bring in better results than any other marketing efforts. Use FaceBook to create a business page and start a viral network through your friends’ circles. In a similar way, use Twitter, Pinterest and so on.

5. Under Promise And Over Deliver

Let all your design projects become tools for your promotion. Always over deliver on your promise as this will delight your customers who, in turn would go out of their ways to recommend your services everyone they know.

6. Stay Ahead Of Your Competition

Ask yourself what can you do more, better, faster, cheaper for your client. Constantly improve on what you are doing through innovation and synching your work with the latest technology. To attract most business you should be the best in your niche. Constantly look for ways to give your client more value for his money.

7. Offer good customer service

Make sure that you take care of everything they envisaged when they entrust you with their design projects. While requests must be immediately complied, with complaints need to be addressed instant.

8. Redefine excellence in terms of what your client wants

With creative assignments it is often difficult to define quality and even quantity aspects. Do your projects in the manner that your clients want them – not as you would think them best.  Hence, set your yardstick according to the satisfaction of your client. You will always come out as a winner.

9. Outsource the unimportant time-consuming tasks

Any successful designer knows that juggling deadlines can be nerve wrecking. To ensure that you are dependable, you will need to be highly organized. Also, you need to identify and outsource those aspects of the job that do not require your expertise. This will leave you with more time to focus on the most important features of the job.

10. Establish yourself as an expert

Everyone wants to hire the best in the market. Work hard to establish a reputation of an expert. Publish articles, give interviews, keep your business in the media limelight with regular press releases. As your reputation will grow, the demand for your services will grow as well. As a result, there will come a time when you will get more projects than you can expect.

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