20 Free CSS3 and JQuery Countdown Timer Scripts

20 Free CSS3 and JQuery Countdown Timer Scripts – Whether a new website is being launched or an existing website is down for maintenance or other reasons, countdown timers prove to be an effective way of retaining the interest of visitors to such sites. Countdown timer scripts offer an innovative solution for displaying the time remaining for an event to happen, generally a website going live. They are an effective way of building the anticipation about the event and generating greater curiosity amongst the target audiences.

Amongst the different types of countdown timer plugins that are available online, the CSS3 and Jquery scripts are perhaps the most popular. This is because of the strong features and functionality offered by these scripts that enables the users to present the timers in a wide range of styles and designs. These timers help in giving visitors a clear idea of how long they have to wait before they can access the website in a unique and appealing manner. These scripts enable the users to display the timers in a way that the visitors find truly appealing.

The internet offers both paid and free CSS3 and Jquery timer scripts to meet the diverse needs of the users. Contrary to what most people think the free scripts work with equal efficiency and offer as many different options and features as the paid one. However, users need to choose these scripts with a little more care and research to avoid getting inappropriate timers that might even ruin the pre-launch goodwill of the website.

Given below are some of the best and most popular Jquery and CSS3 countdown timer scripts that are available online for free to suit the diverse needs of the users.


1) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


2) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


3) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


4) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


5) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


6) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


7) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


8) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


9) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


10) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


11) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


12) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


13) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


14) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


15) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


16) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


17) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


18) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


19) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


20) CSS3 and JQuery Timer [Download]


20 Free CSS3 and JQuery Countdown Timer Scripts

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